About us.
Made for Mobility.

NMI’s Independent status and network

NMI's ability to establish its own values and principles is enabled by its independent status and extensive network, guiding all business aspects.
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Explore NMI's rich company history, spanning decades of experience and commitment to delivering exceptional service and quality vehicles.
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Leadership Team
View NMI’s board and executive members for insight into the values and principles that drive our business success.
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Discover NMI's extensive company footprint, featuring a wide network of dealerships and service centers across the region.
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View NMI's company owners for insight into the values and principles that drive our business success.
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Training Academy
Since April 2013, NMI Training Academy has upheld a reputation for excellence with two accredited facilities in Gauteng and Cape Town.
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Learn about our Offerings

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Yes Program

Parts Enquiry

Parts Form

F&I Enquiry

F&I Enquiry

Repair Centre Enquiry

Accident Repair Enquiry

Training Enquiry

Academy Enquiry

Fleet Enquiry

Fleet Enquiry